China’s social media landscape can be intimidating for museums and cultural institutions hoping to brand build and connect with potential Chinese visitors. From an unfamiliar interface, to a functionality that sits uncomfortably between Facebook and Twitter, to the fundamental language barrier, there is much to be puzzled by. This holds true for WeChat, despite the ongoing efforts of its parent company, Tencent, to familiarize western audiences with its premier product.
While western museums, cultural institutions, and destination marketing organizations (DMOs) typically turn to China marketing specialists to pioneer digital and social media strategies (as they should), there are still some introductory decisions to be made. When it comes to WeChat this means choosing between a service account and a subscription account.
With an estimated 900 million users on WeChat, it’s certainly a decision worth getting right.
Here we break down the differences between the two types of accounts.

Pros and cons of a Service account. Image: Wenzhuo Wu.

Pros and cons of a Subscription account. Image: Wenzhuo Wu.